unfinished business

March 2023, I took a trip to Hawaii.
I was in need of something that felt like re-connecting with my soul.
Hawaii has always been that place to support that for me.
There is a magic to it that overwhelms my heart with gratitude, for my life and the gifts I have been given.

During this recent trip, I prayed for peace, love, support, and the strength to release
what was no longer aligned with my highest good.

I came home and had some setbacks.

Found myself allowing patterns to repeat — over and over.
I tried to make changes - drastic changes. I even removed myself from environments that felt misaligned.
Nothing really worked.

Not until closing up 2023. I started listening to my intuition. I spoke to and listened to myself as a friend.
The issues I had, I shared with myself again and listened to lovingly and with care.
I gave myself the same advice i would give my close friends and loved ones — and I followed through.
Instead of dismissing myself, I decided to ruthlessly collaborate with my inner voice, my higher self, my soul.
I will continue with this energy moving forward.

I will not chase, I will attract all that is meant to be mine.